Do you really need SPF all year round?

The answer, (even for those of us in Canada) is a resounding YES! πŸ™„ You DO need Sunscreen event in the middle of winter…

I know, it might sound a little counterintuitive. After all, the sun isn't scorching, and you might be wearing more layers. But here's the scoop: your skin sun protection in the fall just as much as it does in the summer.

Let me explain: πŸ‘‡

πŸ‚ Sunscreen Isn't Just for Summer – Trust Me!

Picture this: you're sipping on a pumpkin spice latte (because it's fall, and that's practically a law), and you think, "Do I really need sunscreen when the sun isn't blazing?" The short answer is yes. We'll break down the nitty-gritty of why, but trust me, it's a skincare must.

πŸ‚ UV Rays Don't Take a Break

Okay, here's where it gets a bit sciencey. UV rays don't care about the season. They're still out and about, even on overcast fall days. So, your skin is still getting UV exposure, and that means you need to keep up your SPF game.

πŸ‚ Snow actually makes UV worse!

The reflective properties of snow can actually increase UV exposure. So, whether you're hiking in the Rockies or just strolling in the neighborhood, your skin needs protection.

πŸ‚ If you only do ONE thing for your skin, choose sunscreen!

Think of sunscreen as your skincare BFF – reliable, always there, and ready to protect. We'll chat about picking the right SPF and how to incorporate it into your fall routine without any fuss.

πŸ‚ My Personal Fall SPF Routine

Let's get personal for a moment. I'll share my own fall sunscreen routine, so you can see how easy it is to make SPF a part of your everyday skincare.

My Skin Routine For first thing in the morning:

1️⃣ I Wash my face to remove sleepiness
2️⃣ I then splash on my toner and essence for pH balancing and nutrients
3️⃣ I apply my antioxidant Vit C Serum for an extra level of protection
4️⃣ I hydrate with my day cream (and a few drops of Vit C Facial Oil if I'm feeling parched)
5️⃣ And lastly I protect my skin with Daily Sheer Defense for Face before applying my makeup

➑️ To reapply during the day (yes, you should), I love to use the Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer to hydrate, protect, and give a subtle tint and mid-day pick-me-up!

So, there you have it – the lowdown on why your skin craves sunscreen in the fall.

Just because the season is changing doesn't mean you should change your commitment to healthy, glowing skin. Embrace that SPF, make it a cozy part of your fall skincare ritual, and your skin will thank you for years to come.

Cheers to keeping that autumn glow!


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