Mindful Skin Program- Website (1).png

 Next Mindful Skin Program begins June 7th - July 4th

About the journey

This program helps people understand what their skin is trying to tell them by learning how to apply their knowledge to changing circumstances. The skin is a window into what is happening inside the body and this program is designed to help you understand why your skin is showing up the way it is. You will appreciate and manage the expectations of the skin while supporting it's needs through knowledge, understanding, and awareness.

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  • 4 weeks group program

  • Questionnaire (pre-program) to get the most out of the call and book 1:1 post launch

  • 1x 15 minute personalized strategy session to guide you in your program

  • 2x Group coaching calls

  • 1x 1hour 1:1 in final week for action items and to personalize your skin plan / next steps

  • Weekly resources

  • My Journal to success

Total cost: $500

Not ready to commit just yet? Don’t worry, we are starting again in October! Pre-register here.